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Guest Clyde Bauman, May 8, 2023 (#87)

You might know him as Bismarck, North Dakotan, Clyde Bauman. You might recognize him as farm-boy comedian, Mylo Hatzenbuhler. Either way, this 1950s-born gentleman exclaims, "It (the 1950s) was a great time to be a kid!"

Clyde recalls memories of hula hoops, rabbit ears, cowboy boots, and stick horses as he chats with North Dakota's The Pfeiffer Sisters. Do you remember those fun days, too?

Clyde notes that in his childhood home, there was, "A great love for music and a great joy for life," the influence of which directed his lifelong musical road to college, thereby earning a Bachelor of Music degree. Presently, one of the musical "hats" he wears is as music educator at Bismarck State University.

If you have seen Mylo Hatzenbuhler on stage, If you have joined your voice with Clyde in musical concerts, If you have had Mr. Bauman as your college prof, Your life will be enriched with his story on this 1950s FUN CHAT!

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